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Traditional Boarding School Education in Indonesia

Friday, December 2, 2011

Traditional types of pesantren pesantren adl purist original identity as a place of religious sciences menalami (tafaqquh fi-i-din) for the santrinya. All the material taught dipesantren who are religious who are all derived from the Arabic-language books (yellow book) written by the scholars' medieval.
In Indonesia the Islamic educational perspective there who mentioned that traditional boarding school education plays as a sub-ordinate moving to the area and the heart of education domaian lbh who emphasizes the aspects of "affective education" or "atticude education". But some others who mentions boarding education is an indispensable part of national education who enlighten learners are integral to both cognitive (knowlagde) affective (attucude) and psychomotor (skills)

Thus the boarding school system and with the typical character who has become an integral part of the national education system despite the ups and downs in maintaining the mission and vision of existence, but it is undeniable to this day still survive even a few boarding schools among even emerged as an alternative movement model for solving problems social communities such as vicarious village boarding school in Mangelang Pabelan who was awarded the "Aga Khan" in 1980.
Effectiveness persantren to become agents of change actually formed krn from the beginning the existence of pesantren also put myself as a community learning center (Commonity learing center) as demonstrated at the Islamic School Gur Dur Denanyar Jombang who for 50 years never subsided give free lectures and problem solving on the Mother housewives in rural boarding schools and the surrounding villages.

The results of this activity is not accredited but the view of the formation of values ​​and attitudes while living together in community development by the government often did not manjangkau this side. Here we can see clearly that the boarding school education providers not only preaching but also the organizers who invited on changes in lifestyle in the community.

Though in doing problem solving social problems around schools not using the theory of Development as in what the government used the movement and who lbh based on good deeds as a reflection of penghayatran and understanding of the religious clerics, but the effectiveness in changing the lifestyle of the people can not be doubted. Sesunggunh excellence that advantage is the wealth of this nation who if increasingly supported by LBH who significantly from all parties in the scenario of the life of the nation then it is not impossible it would be a very valuable pearl for the improvement of the Indonesian nation. Because it once again by making observations of the pesantren world by means of formative approaches and theories of Western social science science would not be accurate.

However, no means of pesantren as an educational institution free from the weaknesses of education experts noted some fundamental weaknesses, among others:

   1. At boarding school who has not been able to formulate a vision mission and goals of education who systematically set out in the work program perspicuity. So the achievement of objectives stages also tend to be alamiyah.
   2. System kepeminpinan fully centralized unrequited lost so often interfere with the mechanism of collective work smoothly when many changes may be hard-handled by one person.
   3. In response to the changes tend to be very slow concept 'ala al qodim Almuhafadatu as pious wal ajdu bil jadidil aslah "always placed in the position of how the unbroken thread and flour was scattered like when people go up the stairs when one foot leaves the foot of the stairs who flew kites in the air could be a slip or fall, the risk if afraid to face the risk that she would never move from the base of the stairs.
   4. Democratic system of teaching is less efficient and varied so quickly raises saturation on learners. And so on.

Boarding school is an educational institution who has several functions among adl Tafaqquh function fi al din (deepening knowledge of the religion) al tarbiyah function of morality (the formation of personality / character) and the function of community development or social rehabilitation center. Ha only in the context of proper education teaching and learning concepts tafaqquh fi al din who get less servings semesti happened in boarding the emphasis is not on tafaqquh fi al din but sekeder knowledge transfer.

Although students lbh dipesantren prioritizes substantial scientific achievements achievements achievements rather than formal but still there are demands urgent reply so that there is a re-perception to the understanding of the yellow book is not merely to understand as there are black and white of the text in the book who are yellow but also its historical context. Or even just a yellow book but the book may also be black white red and blue. komprehensitas context for understanding the demands of classical leteratur who is a very basic demands as a condition of scientific qualifications in order to answer a variety of global challenges.

Teaching and learning culture in schools who many perceived as giving less leeway to ask let alone debated, especially in the formulation of "why" thing according to Masdar F Mas'udi (1993: 11) Because closely associated with the historical roots who is very typical day in the life of Islamic society ebb mid 13th century AD

In most societies there is a perception or a boarding school who did not fully correct frem which is a frem who think that science is not something born of the observation process (ru'ya) and reasoning (ra'yu) but a gushing nur or who are emitted from the top of a source who is not known how it came from. End up the perception that science is not something to be sought and pursued excavated from below but rather something that awaited from "above". Next turn was not only science who is believed to radiate from the top but also include other kemanpuan ability of man or even everything that lay in the universe. due to adl what someone should do to get the science adl who provide conditions conducive to spiritual grace that comes through spiritual exercise workout (riyadhah) intensively and correctly.
Well in the process riyadhah the Sufi perspective is understood that a student does not change like the blind man who could not possibly find its way without a helping hand of a teacher (murshid) who believed in the Lord who delivered almighty. Here we can understand the position of teacher to be so significant and vital to a student who want to wade through the inner roads. Sufi poem says "let your teacher before engakau like a corpse in the hands sebujur who bathe". Thing like this would obviously weaken the critical power and creativity in the public schools in the days of all-LBH more sophisticated.

Dipesantren lbh much memorization rather than the ability to understand and make sense of the science of science it is recognized that the ability to remember and memorize not something that's not important but must be balanced with the ability to reason because if the dimensions of reasoning is weakened it with his own students become kritisitas who did not have adequate resources. End of the educational process merely transfers (transfer) there is no process of deepening the understanding and study. Well when this happened but it's not just tahafudz tafaqquh.
Leteratur who studied not only limited to the book who have become finished goods such as fahtul Fathul Muin Wahab but prioritized in science methodologies such as: usul fiqh chronicle constitution, and the like.

As a result of education in boarding schools that there are weaknesses and strengths, but if schools are able mengeleminir these weaknesses and optimize strengths then it is not impossible he became one of the alternative market is relatively promising future days to come, especially amid the stifling system of national education will tend to lbh emphasis on education for the Brain and Education for the relative neglect hearts who turn almost certainly will result in over-educated society increasingly booming unemployment meraksasa intellectual elite in technique but crept in ethics pretentious but confused with knowledge of intelligent life in the enjoyment of the brain but stupid conscience. In an atmosphere like this who will be ogled pesantren education institutions to play a role as:

   1. Educational institutions who forge pragmatic humanistic integrative education idealistic and realistic.
   2. Social rehabilitation centers (many families who suffered psychological shock will entrust spiritual penyeklamatan at boarding school)
   3. As a printer humans who have a trio of smart balance of the Intellectual Intelligence (IQ) Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Spiritual intelligence (SQ).

In carrying out the education system and the process of boarding schools teaching Islamic education in Indonesia has the perspective of the role and has the elements of thought or contribution to the evolving and growing Islamic education. In this case the educational institutions who teach Islam to the community and Indonesian children have been born and grown since the early days of the arrival of Islam in this country. In the early emergence of this institution is very simple recitation of the Qur'an and the ordinances of worship in the mosque who was held in the homes surau or cleric.

The existence of the institutions mentioned above who later emerged and evolved with the name of this pesantren continues to grow based on the responsibility of Islam to convey to the public and future generations. Cottage as a dormitory where the students lived mosque as a center of worship and education students as a yellow book search science teaching and nurturing kiai who are the five basic elements of existence.

In the majority of the boarding school is a community of religious learning who close relationship with the surrounding environment in general rural communities. The community is an integral part of religious life in the reality of daily life and who can not be considered as a separate sector. Because that figure by the kiai in the pesantren world is inseparable Because existence is the most significant element, and as religious leaders or elders who are recognized in the environment and the note his orders.
Therefore, the boarding school is not intended as a place of education for students only but also for the surrounding community. This is different from other educational institutions who in general expressed palpably educational purposes.

As has been explained or described in the discussion prior to the core or boarding school educational emphasis as container and place of Islam in Indonesia reached an education that is attained national development goals in education. Realistically many people considered that the education system took place in this country who are still not able to deliver Islamic education achieved is to build a complete Indonesian man. Proved increasingly widespread fighting between student drug trafficking rampant consumption of less respect for learners to educators and parents who appeared tribal egoism leads to low morale of the organizers of separatism and other countries as indications adl who support the above assessment. Base of the basic concept that education boarding school tries to provide a response in response to the existing education system in this homeland and who demanded no wise and prudent attitude.
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