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Child Education in Islam

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Education of children is a very important matter in Islam. In the Qur'an we find how God relates Luqman advice-advice which is a form of education for their children. Similarly, in the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, we encounter many forms of education to children, either from the command and deed to educate his children directly.

An educator, both parents and teachers should know how much their responsibility before God 'Almighty to education the children of Islam.

About this case, Allah Almighty says,

يا أيها الذين آمنوا قوا أنفسكم وأهليكم نارا وقودها الناس والحجارة

"O ye who believe, guard yourselves and your families from hellfire which fuel is men and stones". (At-Tahrim: 6)

And in the hadeeth narrated by al-Imam al-Bukhari and Al-Imam Muslim, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said,

كلكم راع ومسئول عن رعيته

"Each of you is a leader and will be held accountable"

For that-couldn't-no, a teacher or parent should know what should be taught to a child and how the methods that have been promoted by the lord of this people, the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam. Some guidelines include:

· Embedding Tawheed and Aqeedah Right to Children

One thing is undeniable that unity is the foundation of Islam. If someone really tauhidnya, then he will get salvation in this world and hereafter. Conversely, without unity he must have fallen into shirk and will meet with an accident in the world and eternity in hell adzab. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

إن الله لا يغفر أن يشرك به ويغفر ما دون ذلك لمن يشاء

"Verily Allah will not forgive the sin of shirk, and to forgive is lighter than it is for people who God wills" (An-Nisa: 48)

Therefore, in the Al-Quran also Allah profiled Luqman's advice to his son. One of them reads,

يا بني لا تشرك بالله إن الشرك لظلم عظيم

"My son, do not be to Allah, Verily allying (God) is really great kezhaliman." (Luqman: 13)

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam himself has provided a solid example of planting aqeedah this when he teaches his children's uncle, Abdullah ibn Abbas radi' anhuma in a hadith narrated by al-Imam al-Tirmidhi with a hasan chain of transmission. Ibn 'Abbas told me,

"One day I ever rode behind the Prophet (on the vehicle), he said to me:" O my son, I'll teach you a few sentences: Keep Allah, Allah will take care of you. Take care of God, surely you will find God in front of you. If you ask, ask Allah. If you ask for help, please ask God. Know. even if all the people (jinn and men) come together to give a gift that is useful to you, it would not be beneficial to you, unless it has been established by God (to be beneficial to you). Know. even if all the people (jinn and men) come together to harm you, will not be able to hurt you at all, unless it has been established by God (will be up and hurt you). Pen has been lifted, and has dried the sheets ".

Matters taught by Rasulllah sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam to Ibn Abbas the above is a matter of monotheism.

Including aqeedah that needs to be invested to children from an early age is about where God resides. This is very important, because many Muslims are wrong in this case. Some say that God is everywhere. Some again say that God is in our hearts, and various other opinions. Though the arguments shows that God is above the arsh, namely above the heavens. The evidence for, among others,

"Ar-Rahman beristiwa on the 'Throne" (Taha: 5)

Meaning istiwa is high and rising, as in Al-Bukhari narrated from tabi'in.

As for the hadith,

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam asked a slave woman, "Where is God?". The slave replied, "God in heaven". He asked them, 'Who am I? "The slave replied," You are the Messenger of Allah ". Rasulllah then said, "Release him, for he is a woman mu'minah". (Narrated by Muslim and Abu Dawud).

· Teach Children How to Implement Worship

Should be small since our children are taught how to worship properly in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. Starting from the purification procedure, prayer, fasting and a variety of worship.

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said,

صلوا كما رأيتموني أصلي

"The prayer you as you see me praying" (Narrated by Al-Bukhari).

"Teach your children to pray when they were seven years old, and beat them when they were ten years old (if you do not want to pray-pen)" (Sahih Shahihil Shahih. See Jami 'by Al-Albani).

If they have been able to maintain order in the prayer, then invite them to attend the same congregation prayers in the mosque. By training them from an early, if God wills as adults, they are already familiar with these devotions.

· Teach Al-Quran, the Hadith as well as prayer and dhikr, Lightweight for Children

Starting with the letter of Al-Fathihah and short letters and prayers tahiyat to pray. And providing for those special teachers who teach recitation, memorized the Quran and hadith. So it is with prayer and dhikr everyday. Let them begin memorized, such as prayer when eating, and out of the WC and others.

· Educating Children with Multiple Adab and Akhlaq Noble

Teach your children with a variety of Islamic adab such as eating with your right hand, saying basmalah before eating, hygiene, salutation, etc..

So it is with morality. Instill in them noble morality, morality as told and to be honest, dutiful to parents, generosity, respect and affection older to the younger, as well as various other morality.

· Prohibit Children from the Forbidden Various Actions

Children should be warned as early as possible of the various acts that are not good or even forbidden, such as smoking, gambling, drinking The wine, steal, take the rights of others, wrongdoers, disobedient to parents, and all other unlawful acts.

Included in this issue is the music and images animate beings. Many parents and teachers who do not know these two things forbidden, so they let the kids play around with it. Even more than that-we seek refuge in God-, some of them making these two cases as a method of learning for children, and praised as a good way to learn!

Though the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam to have said about music,

ليكونن من أمتي أقوام يستحلون الحر والحرير والخمر والمعازف

"It will be from my Ummah who justifies adultery, silk, The wine and al-ma'azif (musical instruments)". (Saheeh, HR. Al-Bukhari and Abu Dawud).

Meaning: It came from the families of Muslims who believe that adultery, wearing original silk (for men, pent.), Drinking wine and music as a lawful case, when the case is unlawful.

And al-ma'azif is any tool that pitched and sounds like a regular harp, flute, drum, drums, tambourines and others. Even the bells as well, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said,

"The bell flute syaithan". (Narrated by Muslim).

As for the picture, the best teachers of this people (the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) has said,

كل مصور في النار, يجعل له بكل صورة صورها نفسا فتعذبه في جهنم

"All the builders drawings (creatures) in hell, soon God will make on any drawings come to life, then the images will mengadzab jahannam him in hell" (Narrated by Muslim).

إن أشد الناس عذابا عند الله يوم القيامة المصورون

"Those who most loudly siksanya on the side of God on Judgement Day is the image builders." (Narrated by Muslim).

Therefore, should we prohibit our children from drawing living beings. As for the spectacle of, cars, airplanes and the like then this is not why as long as no creature picture of his life.

· Instilling Love Jihad and Courage

Read to them stories of the courage of the Prophet and his companions in the battle to uphold Islam so that they know that he is a brave figure, and his companions such as Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali and Muawiyah had liberated countries.

Embed this also to their hatred for Jews and people are wrongdoers. Cultivate that the Muslims will liberate Al-Quds when they go back to study Islam and jihad in the path of Allah. They will be helped by Allah's leave.

Educate them to be brave beramar prohibiting evil, and they should not fear but only to God. And must not frighten them with false stories, horror and scare them with the dark.

· Familiarize the child with clothing syar'i

Children should be accustomed to using the clothes according to gender. Boys use the men's clothing and girls clothing women's use. Keep children away from models that do not syar'i western clothes, even tight and show genitalia.

On this, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said,

من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم

"Those who imitate a people, so he included them." (Sahih, HR. Abu Daud)

For girls, they get used to wearing a scarf covering the head so that as adults they will be easy to wear hijab syar'i.

Thus some guidance from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam in educating children. Should parents and educators can make it happen in their education of children. And they should also remember, to always be patient, advise the sons and daughters of Islam with a gentle and affectionate. Do not yell or criticize them, let alone spit-Umbar their mistakes.

Hope can be useful, especially for parents and educators. Bishsawab Allaah knows best.

) * Summarized by Abu Omar Al-Bankawy of the book Kaifa Nurabbi Auladana Zainu works of Shaykh Muhammad Jamil and the hadiths about the law added a picture of Souls works Hukmu Tashwir Dzawatil Sheikh Muqbil bin Hadi.
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