Towards the celebration of Christmas for Christians, there are things which must be understood by the Muslims in order not to fall into forbidden actions and shirk. Namely, following the celebration of Christmas with the law committed by Christians. Because, usually they invite Muslims to follow him in return for their custom join event or events Maulid bihalal halal Muslims. Muslims in this case should not consider it merely as a social relationship, but must refer to religious law, how according to the Islamic religion. Allowed or not? Halal or haram?
The Muslims rahimakumullah,
In the following problems with the Christian Christmas, the MUI has issued a fatwa in 1981 in the General Chairman Prof MUI. Dr. Buya Hamka. MUI fatwa commission chairman who ditandatangtani Fatwa KH. Shukri Al-Ghazali and Secretary H. Masudi is essentially as follows:
First, that Muslims should not confuse religion with faith and conviction and worship aqeedah and worship of other religions based on:
1. Al-Qur'an Al-Kafirun [109] verses 1-6:
"Say O unbelievers, 'I will not worship what you worship. And you're not a worshiper of God that I worship. And I was never a worship what you worship. And you never also become worshipers of God that I worship. To you your religion and me my religion '. "
2. Al-Quran surah Al-Baqarah [2] paragraph 42:
"And do not confuse the right to interfere with a false and do not hide the right of it, while ye know."
Secondly, that whoever believes that God is more than one, God has a son Isa Al-Masih's son, that person infidels and polytheists, based on:
1. Al-Qur'an Al-Maidah [5] paragraph 72:
"Surely people have disbelieved who say, 'Verily God is the Messiah son of Mary'. Though Messiah himself said, 'O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord'. Those who ascribe (something to) Allah, then surely Allah forbid him heaven and the place is hell, is not for the wrongdoers was a helper at all. "
2. Al-Qur'an Al-Maidah [5] paragraph 73:
"Surely those who disbelieve say, 'That God is one of the three (God is there are three)', but occasionally there is no god but one God. If they do not stop what they say it's definitely people + ka fir that will touch a painful torment. "
3. Qur'an At-Tawbah letter [9] Paragraph 30:
"The Jews say Ezra is the son of God, and the Christians say the Messiah, God's child. So that's saying with their mouths, they imitate the saying / sayings unbelievers earlier, Allah cursed them how they got away. "
Islam teaches that Allah is only one, based on the Quran surah Al Ikhlas:
"Say, 'He is God Almighty. God is the Lord that all things depend on him. He did not give birth nor was begotten. And no one was / is nothing equal to him '. "
Third, Islam teaches his people to abstain from things that doubtful and of the limits imposed by Allah SWT and to prioritize resist damage than pulling the benefit, based on:
1. Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad Nu'man bin Bashir:
"Verily, what what's kosher and what was clear what it had been clearly unlawful, but between the two is doubtful that many (such as halal, haram as) most people do not know that it's doubtful. He who maintains himself from the doubtful, then bersihlah his religion and his honor, but he who falls on the doubtful it means he has fallen to a haram, a sort of people who eat the animals graze in the area of ban. Know that every king has a ban imposed by Allah, and know that nothing is forbidden him (and therefore should not be approached only haram). "
2. Rule Usul Fiqh
"Rejecting the damage takes precedence over welfare-benefit interesting (if not very likely mafasidnya thus obtained, whereas masholihnya not generated)." (Point F and G).
The Muslims rahimakumullah
Based on three considerations above, the MUI memfatwakan:
Christmas celebrations in Indonesia despite the aim to celebrate and honor the Prophet Isa AS, but Christmas can not be separated from the issues described above.
Following the ceremony Christmas together for the Islamic Ummah is haraam.
So that Muslims are not falling prey to the doubtful and prohibitions of Allah SWT is advisable not to follow the activities of Christmas.
(Jakarta, 1 H Jumadil Early 1401, March 7, 1981, the Indonesian Ulema Council Fatwa Committee, Chairman Shukri M KH Ghozali Secretary Drs. H. MAS 'UDI, Source: Association of Indonesian Ulama Fatwa Assembly 1417H / 1997, pages 187-193)
The Muslims rahimakumullah,
MUI fatwa is illegitimate following the ceremony focused on Christmas. And so Muslims are not falling prey to the doubtful and prohibitions of Allah SWT is advisable not to follow the activities of Christmas.
Therefore, in the days of the celebration of Christmas by Christians, Muslims we simply pass in a tolerant attitude, ie, by allowing them to celebrate and do not bother.
But we remain firm for not following the ceremony because merely to maintain the sanctity of Islam and guard the purity of our belief and our sincerity in the religion of Allah. No mixing with other faith and conviction and confidence, let alone already explained errors and iniquities as the basics of the above considerations MUI fatwa. Let us absorb the word of Allah: "Say: Surely I am a human being like you, who revealed to me:" That thy Lord is the One God ". Anyone expecting an encounter with his Lord, then let him do righteous deeds, and not one as he was in the worship of his Lord. "(Surat al-Kahf 120).
Companions of the Prophet PBUH., Ibn Abbas, in his commentary says that the One God in verse is God without children and without allies.
The Muslims rahimakumullah,
That is Allah, God truly One and His Oneness we are obliged or mentauhidkan Him.
Baarakallahu lii walakum...
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